
Long COVID are “the signs and symptoms which develop during or following an infection consistent with COVID-19 which continue for more than 12 weeks and are not explained by an alternative diagnosis. “ – taken from the NICE guideline scope published on 30th October 2020 and can be found here

image for the text

Long COVID Resources:

Narrated Long COVID Diagnosis and Management in Primary Care Video:

This video is a narrated version of the presentation that Dr Harsha Master (GP Lead for COVID Rehabilitation Service for Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust) gave in December 2020 on the diagnosis and management of long COVID in Primary Care to GPs in East and North Hertfordshire CCG. The presentation in part describes a pathway to a Long-COVID Rehab clinic in East and North Hertfordshire. Viewers should be aware of pathways available in their own region.

This presentation is based on papers and articles as well as Dr Master’s clinical experience so far and the aim of the presentation is to gain an understanding of what long COVID is and what should be considered when it is encountered in practice.

It is important to note that the contents of this recording were correct at the time of the recording and are the opinions and experience of the author. This video should be viewed for your personal use only and should not be shared with anyone else or placed on any social media platforms. This video should not be edited or changed by anyone other than the author.

More information on the Hertfordshire Community Trust COVID Rehabilitation Service can be found here: https://www.hct.nhs.uk/our-services/covid-19-rehabilitation-service/

This is a video about the HCT COVID 19 Rehabilitation service in East and North Hertfordshire. It explains how to refer patients to the service. Please note, this is only for GPs and patients in East and North Hertfordshire.
