Getting Ready For Patients To Have Access To Their Future Information
From 1 November 2022, patients with online accounts such as through the NHS App will be able to read new entries in their health records. This applies to patients whose practices use the TPP and EMIS systems. Arrangements with practices that use Vision as the clinical system are under discussion.
This is an NHS England program supported by NHS Digital. The change supports the NHS Long-Term Plan commitments to provide patients with digital access to their health records.
It means GPs and practice staff will need to consider the impact of each entry, including documents and test results, as they add them to a patient’s record. Patients should not see personal information – such as positive test results – until they have been checked and filed, giving GPs the chance to contact and speak to patients first.
There are several sessions listed below that address the training needs related to specific roles. Please feel free to register for the awareness and train the trainer sessions most relevant to your role.
To find out what this means for you and what you need to do next, click here to join us for upcoming webinar events.
Please follow these links to access webinar recordings of the NHSE sessions regarding patient access to online records due to launch nationally on November 1st 2022.
Further information regarding accelerating patient access to their record can be found here.
- Apprenticeships
- Children and Young People’s Services
- Clinical Learning Environment
- COVID-19
- CVD Training and Resources
- DAL Service Guidance Videos
- Diagnostic Respiratory Hubs
Enhanced Commissioning Framework (ECF)
- A.1. Compliance and Engagement Requirements
- A.2. Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation
- A.3. Anticoagulation
- A.4. Primary Care Planning
- A.5. OPEL Framework for General Practice
- A.6. Carers
- A.7. Patient Participation, Engagement and Involvement
- A.8. Safeguarding
- B.1. Clinical Transformation
- B.2. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- B.3. Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD)
- B.4. Diabetes and Non-Diabetic Hyperglycaemia (NDH)
- B.5. Learning Disabilities (LD)
- B.6. Mental Health (MH)
- B.7. Frailty
- B.8. End of Life (EoL)
- C.1. Transactional Services
- C.2. Spirometry
- D. Out of Scope
- Getting Ready For Patients To Have Access To Their Future Information
- Guidance for Primary Care Networks Protected Time for Learning Events
- Hertfordshire CAMHS News Bulletin for GPs
- Induction Programme
- Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)
- New to Practice Programme
- NHS Knowledge for Healthcare Learning Academy
- Palliative Care Training and Development Opportunities
- Primary Care Bulletin
- Reasonable Adjustments Learning Disability and Autism Training Resources
- Recovering Primary Care Access
- Safeguarding
- Succession Planning
- Suicide Prevention Pathway
- Diabetes Type 2 Path to Remission
- Trauma Informed Care
- HWE ICB Primary Care Research Forum
- Minuteful Kidney