IPC Resources

National Resources:

Below are some useful national IPC resources. If you click on the blue hyperlink, this will take you to a separate website.

Health and Social Care Act 2008

Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014

The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health 2002 (COSHH Regulations)

HBN 00-09 Infection Control in the Built Environment DH 2013

Health and Social Care Act 2008 Code of Practice on the Prevention and Control of Infections DH 2015

Management and Disposal of Healthcare Waste https://www.england.nhs.uk/publication/management-and-disposal-of-healthcare-waste-htm-07-01/

IPC Manual for England  https://www.england.nhs.uk/national-infection-prevention-and-control-manual-nipcm-for-england/

NICE CG 139 Healthcare Associated Infections: Prevention and Control in Primary Care 2017

HSE Working with substances hazardous to health - A brief guide to COSHH 2012

Primary Care Hand Hygiene, PPE Donning and Doffing, Sharps Audit Tools

The below audit tools cover PPE, Hand Hygiene and Sharps with links to national resources;

  • These can be used at a frequency dependent on the compliance of staff and their learning needs related to donning and doffing PPE and would recommend it is done at least once a month.

  • The PPE and hand hygiene audits can be used for both clinical and non-clinical staff

These tools can be downloaded below:

Hand Hygiene Audit Tool
February 2022
Sharps Audit
February 2022
PPE Audit
February 2022

Additional Resources for Download:

National Standard of Healthcare Cleanliness Toolkit for General Practice
February 2022
NHSE/I National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness 2021
April 2021
NHSE/I National Standards of Cleanliness 2021: Appendices
April 2021
NHSE/I National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness 2020: Pest Control
April 2021
NHSE/I National Standards of Healthcare Cleanliness 2021: Health and Safety
April 2021

Commitment to Cleanliness Charters:

Commitment to Cleanliness Charter FR2
October 2021
Commitment to Cleanliness Charter FR4
October 2021
Commitment to Cleanliness Charter FR6
October 2021
NHSC21 Audit Score Template
January 2022


All of the information contained on this page has been written and compiled by the Hertfordshire and West Essex (HWE) ICS Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) team and is hosted on the HWE Training Hub Website. 

All items and documents on this webpage for IPC are uncontrolled if printed or downloaded. All items on this page are intended for use by Hertfordshire and West Essex GP Practices/Surgeries only.

The HWE ICS Training Hub is not responsible for ensuring that the individual user downloads or accesses the most recent or relevant documents. The responsibility for ensuring that the most recent and relevant information that is accessed rests with the individual. Whilst we endeavour to make sure that all links to current guidance provided in our documents are up to date, please ensure you check online for the latest version. Please contact the IPC team if further information is required, their contact details are: hwe.hcai@nhs.net or 01442 284022.
