Safeguarding Adults

What to do if you are concerned about an adult now:

If you believe someone is in immediate danger, dial 999

To report a concern about an adult call 0345 603 7630

For out of hours contact the Emergency Duty Service on 0345 606 1212

Professionals must use the Adult Alert form (SETSAF) to report a concern.

For further information and resources for the Safeguarding of Children

For further information and resources for the Safeguarding of Adults

Protecting vulnerable adults from harm is everybody’s business. As you go about your day-to-day business, remember that abuse or neglect can happen to anyone, anywhere. Abuse might take place over a long time, or be confined to just a single incident. The abuser could be member of staff at a care home or a hospital, a carer or friend at a day centre, or relative in the family home.

image for the text
Herts Valley CCG Safeguarding Adults Web Page

Click here for more details

East and North Hertfordshire CCG Safeguarding Adults Web Page

Click here for more details.

West Essex CCG Safeguarding Adults Web Page

Website under development, please contact the team for more information


All of the information contained on this page has been written and compiled by the Hertfordshire and West Essex (HWE) Adult Safeguarding Teams and is hosted on the HWE Training Hub Website. 

All items and documents on this webpage are uncontrolled if printed or downloaded. All items on this page are intended for use by Hertfordshire and West Essex GP Practices/Surgeries only.

The HWE ICS Training Hub is not responsible for ensuring that the individual user downloads or accesses the most recent or relevant documents. The responsibility for ensuring that the most recent and relevant information that is accessed rests with the individual. Whilst we endeavour to make sure that all links to current guidance provided in our documents are up to date, please ensure you check online for the latest version. Please contact the Adult Safeguarding Teams if further information is required, their contact details are: 



Telephone: 01442 898 888

West Essex


Telephone: 01992 566140
