Safeguarding Children
What to do if you are concerned about a child now:
If a child or young person is in immediate danger call 999
If you are worried that a child is being abused or neglected, call on 0345 603 7627 for phone consultation and support.
Out of hours and bank holidays call the emergency duty team on 0345 606 1212.
Either google concern for a child Essex or use
For further information and resources for the Safeguarding of Children
For further information and resources for the Safeguarding of Adults
Hertfordshire Enhanced Portal for Safeguarding Children Referrals
Please see the documents below to support with making referrals through the Hertfordshire Enhanced Portal for Safeguarding Children Referrals:
Below are some useful resources related to Child Safeguarding. If you click on the blue hyperlink, this will take you to a separate website.
All staff are required to adhere to Safeguarding Children policies and guidance. Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership procedures can be found here.
Herts Valleys CCG has approved a number of strategic documents to support safeguarding within the NHS, including:
Safeguarding Children training is provided by Hertfordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership (HSCP) for professionals and volunteers. Click here to find out more.
Please contact the Children Safeguarding Teams if further information is required, their contact details are:
Telephone: 01707685349
West Essex
Telephone: 01992 566140
All of the information contained on this page has been written and compiled by the Hertfordshire and West Essex (HWE) Children Safeguarding Teams and is hosted on the HWE Training Hub Website.
All items and documents on this webpage are uncontrolled if printed or downloaded. All items on this page are intended for use by Hertfordshire and West Essex GP Practices/Surgeries only.
The HWE ICS Training Hub is not responsible for ensuring that the individual user downloads or accesses the most recent or relevant documents. The responsibility for ensuring that the most recent and relevant information that is accessed rests with the individual. Whilst we endeavour to make sure that all links to current guidance provided in our documents are up to date, please ensure you check online for the latest version.
- Apprenticeships
- Children and Young People’s Services
- Clinical Learning Environment
- COVID-19
- CVD Training and Resources
- DAL Service Guidance Videos
- Diagnostic Respiratory Hubs
Enhanced Commissioning Framework (ECF)
- A.1. Compliance and Engagement Requirements
- A.2. Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation
- A.3. Anticoagulation
- A.4. Primary Care Planning
- A.5. OPEL Framework for General Practice
- A.6. Carers
- A.7. Patient Participation, Engagement and Involvement
- A.8. Safeguarding
- B.1. Clinical Transformation
- B.2. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
- B.3. Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD)
- B.4. Diabetes and Non-Diabetic Hyperglycaemia (NDH)
- B.5. Learning Disabilities (LD)
- B.6. Mental Health (MH)
- B.7. Frailty
- B.8. End of Life (EoL)
- C.1. Transactional Services
- C.2. Spirometry
- D. Out of Scope
- Getting Ready For Patients To Have Access To Their Future Information
- Guidance for Primary Care Networks Protected Time for Learning Events
- Hertfordshire CAMHS News Bulletin for GPs
- Induction Programme
- Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)
- New to Practice Programme
- NHS Knowledge for Healthcare Learning Academy
- Palliative Care Training and Development Opportunities
- Primary Care Bulletin
- Reasonable Adjustments Learning Disability and Autism Training Resources
- Recovering Primary Care Access
- Safeguarding
- Succession Planning
- Suicide Prevention Pathway
- Diabetes Type 2 Path to Remission
- Trauma Informed Care
- HWE ICB Primary Care Research Forum
- Minuteful Kidney