Care Navigation Training - NHSE funded eLearning

Venue: Online

Registration onto the virtual sessions is now closed. Please complete the fields below to be enrolled onto the digital e-learning instead.

About the Foundation Digital Learning

  • These digital learning modules reinforce the learning from the Foundation care navigation workshops.

  • They are designed for those new to care navigation and/or providing day-to-day and routine signposting.

  • The modules cover effective communication with patients and members of the multi-disciplinary team to signpost to the most relevant clinician or local services depending on patient needs.

About the Advanced Digital Learning

  • These digital learning modules reinforce the learning from the Advanced care navigation workshops.

  • Designed for team members working with a greater level of independence than those signposting from the front desk.

  • These modules give an overview of developing a coaching style approach to care navigation, professionalism, and implementation of care navigation within the primary care team.

Registration timeline

Community of Practice

As part of registering, you will be invited to join our Community of Practice “Care navigation connect”.

Please look out for an email from with your login details that will be issued within the next 48 hours.

If for any reason you don’t receive your login email, kindly check your spam or junk mail folder.

Please email us at if you need any help accessing the platform.

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