4th October 2024

Community Dementia Service

Venue: Hertfordshire

Are you living with dementia or worried about memory loss?

We work together to provide a range of help and support for people with memory problems or affected by dementia in Hertfordshire. We can provide information, advice and connect you with your community. We know that people need support at different times and in different ways. Our expert advisers can work with you to find out what matters to you.

What support can I expect?

Information and Advice on all aspects of memory support including (but not limited to):

• What to do if you are worried about your memory

• Living well with dementia

• Benefits and financial support

• Future planning (lasting powers of attorney)

• Accessing care and support

• Support for carers

• Signpost and referral onto other support services

Access to a range of groups offering an array of activities to support people with Mild Cognitive Impairment and dementia.

Tailored support to enable people to live well with dementia.

A chance to relax and share ideas with a group who can relate to your experiences.

Tailored support for those under 65 who are living with dementia, including those who have a learning difficulty in addition to their diagnosis and other rarer forms of dementia.

When things get challenging or difficult, Admiral Nurses work alongside the family carers of people with all types of dementia giving them one-to-one support, expert guidance and practical solutions.

We offer courses to all people and businesses to improve awareness and to become dementia aware and dementia friendly.

Working with local organisations and communities and alongside the new accreditation scheme to make Hertfordshire a place to live well with dementia.

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How to get referred:

MSH services are available to people living anywhere in Hertfordshire.

Referral criteria: anyone 18 years or older who may have memory concerns, with or without any diagnosis of dementia and carers.

Self-referral: simply visit our website memorysupportherts.org.uk

Professionals: online referral form for professionals on MSH website.

Information fyers:

Community Dementia Service
Memory Support Hertfordshire

How to get in touch.

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