Hertfordshire & West Essex Suicide Bereavement Training

Venue: Online

Next course dates available

  • 31st January 2025 (12:30pm - 04:00pm)

Learning Outcomes

  • The magnitude of suicide bereavement

  • Suicide loss as a unique form of complex bereavement

  • ‘Complicated grief’, trauma and other individual responses to suicide

  • The wider impact of bereavement on those exposed to or affected by suicide

  • The stigma and shame associated with suicide and bereavement

  • Bereavement by suicide as a unique risk factor for suicide

  • Responding to those bereaved by suicide, and how we can help to support them

  • Key UK strategic guidance and research on best practice in shaping services to incorporate suicide bereavement support

  • Postvention: what it means and why it matters

  • A local service perspective: The Tomorrow Project’s work supporting those affected

Dates and registration links

 Feedback from delegates:

“An incredible presenter. Knowledgeable, engaging, widely read and extremely articulate. She is also humble and confident. I learnt so much from her and I think all staff in mental health work should attend this. Thank you so much”

“The Training was great, it was done in a professional and appropriate manner especially as it is such a emotive topic. I came out feeling reflective and empowered”

“An excellent mornings training. Wonderful venue. So much covered in such a short space of time, with well timed breaks & an on the dot start & finish time. Trainers delivery of the training was first class; the 10 minute break out groups, her interaction with the group, understanding & delivery of course content, with just enough sharing of personal experience in context to the training, remaining personable & professional throughout. Absolute first class trainer & I would highly recommend this training to anyone looking to increase their knowledge on suicide & bereavement”