HWE ICB Research Forum
The Hertfordshire and West Essex ICS Training Hub have set up a collaborative research forum. We are keen for all clinicians and/or practices to be part of this forum. This can include, but not limited to, practices wishing to become research active, clinicians undertaking research to be part of a research forum or clinicians wanting some support, for example, as part of a master's programme.
To find out more about the Research Forum Framework please visit: Research Framework Launched - Advanced Practice (hee.nhs.uk)
The registration link will be provided shortly.
Research is every clinician's business
The concept of making research every clinician’s business and part of everyday practice for all clinicians and stakeholders across the health and care system is a core part of the NIHR’s strategy (Royal College of Physicians and NIHR, 2022). Similar messages for research as an embedded, commonplace activity of practitioner’s working lives can be found in the NHS long term plan (NHS, 2019).