16th October 2024

Immunisation Update for Nurses and AHPs - M&K

Venue: Online
Times: 09:15 - 16:30

Next course dates available

  • 14th February 2025 (09:15am - 04:30pm)
  • 3rd April 2025 (09:15am - 04:30pm)

Duration: 1 Day(s)

CPD Hours: 8


 This course meets the mandatory requirements of the National Minimum Standards for Immunisation Training (2015).

Public Health England (PHE) and Public Health Wales (PHW) recommend that those undertaking immunisation should have yearly updates.

Delegates should have attended a two day foundation course prior to attending yearly updates.

Details of our 2 day foundation course can be found on our website at - Immunisation Training


Current issues in vaccination

Recent epidemiology of vaccine preventable diseases

Changes to the National Immunisation Schedule

Changes to legislation relevant to vaccination

Anaphylaxis recognition and management

Review of current practice and identification of areas for improvement

Q&A session for commonly encountered problems in practice



  • Be able to provide accurate and up to date information about diseases and vaccines

  • Provide a safe, effective and high standard of care.


"A very informative course, I learnt a lot which I can take back to my team and also implement."

"Very informative and up-to-date. Enjoyable two days."

"VERY good :-)"

Past course delegates




Booking information:

How to apply for funding and apply for this course

Please complete the MS Form available at the following link: Funding Request MS Form

The Training Hub will review and respond to your funding request. If funding is approved, it will be your responsibility to book your place on the course you wish to attend, we will provide the instructions to do this. Applications will be reviewed in order of the course date (soonest courses first) and date received. If you have any questions, please contact us at hwetraininghub@nhs.net.

Please note, you will need to send us your booking confirmation within 1 week of your funding being approved as places are limited. Failure to do this will result in your funding being withdrawn and you will need to reapply.

Course cost

The approximate course per delegate is: £170.00

If your funding request is approved the Training Hub will cover the full cost of this course.