Introduction to Menopause - BBO

Venue: Online

Please note this is a 2-day course.

Day 1

Wednesday 12th February 2025 - 09:30-16:00

Day 2

Wednesday 26th February 2025 - 09:30-16:00

Course Focus:

This comprehensive two-day course serves as an invaluable introduction to menopause care within the primary care setting. Understanding menopause, its effective management, and the ensuing implications for women's well-being are pivotal aspects for healthcare practitioners, particularly practice nurses who frequently engage with women facing menopausal transitions during their consultations.

Course Highlights:

  • Understanding Menopause:

    Dive into the core concepts of menopause, grasping its multifaceted aspects, and gaining a deep understanding of its physical, emotional, and psychological dimensions.

  • Effective Menopause Management:

    Explore optimal strategies for managing menopause, equipping practitioners to provide well-informed guidance to women traversing this life phase.

  • Short and Long-Term Implications:

    Delve into the implications of menopause for women's well-being, both in the short and long term, enabling practitioners to offer holistic care that addresses immediate concerns and promotes long-term health.

  • Competency Framework for Progression:

    Access a comprehensive competency framework that empowers nurses to work towards mastery in menopause care. This framework can be validated by experienced team members, fostering ongoing skill development.

  • Dynamic Learning Environment:

    Through interactive sessions, case studies, and discussions, participants will engage in a dynamic learning environment that facilitates the absorption of knowledge and practical insights. The course encourages networking and collaboration, enabling practitioners to learn from both expert facilitators and fellow participants.

  • Learning Outcomes:

    Upon completion of this two-day course, participants will be equipped to approach menopause care with heightened confidence and competence. Whether they occasionally encounter menopausal patients or engage with them more regularly, practitioners will leave with the tools and strategies to provide informed and supportive care, positively impacting women's well-being during this transitional phase.

  • Target Audience:

    This course is tailored for a diverse range of primary care practitioners, including practice nurses, cervical sample takers, and those who regularly engage with menopausal patients without specialized training. All practitioners seeking to enhance their expertise in menopause care are welcome to attend.

09.15 Coffee and registration

09.30 Introduction and course objectives

09.40 Physiology and definitions

10.00 Menopause symptoms

10.45 Coffee

11.00 What do we need to ask?

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Management Strategies: Hormonal and non-hormonal treatment of menopause symptoms

14.30 Diet, Lifestyle and Exercise

14.30 Complementary therapies

15.00 Case Studies 

15.30 Action plan, evaluation, and resources

15.45 Close

09.15 Coffee and registration

09.30 Review of Day 1 and tasks

09.45 Women with special needs

10.00 Contraceptive options for peri-menopausal women

10.45 Coffee

11.00 What do we need to ask?

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Which HRT when and how

14.30 The older woman

15.00 Case Studies 

15.30 Action plan, evaluation, and resources

15.45 Close

Booking information:

Course dates

Please note that further dates for this course will be released as they become available.

How to apply for funding and apply for this course

Please complete the MS Form available at the following link: Funding Request MS Form

The Training Hub will review and respond to your funding request. If funding is approved, it will be your responsibility to book your place on the course you wish to attend, we will provide the instructions to do this. Applications will be reviewed in order of the course date (soonest courses first) and date received. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Please note, you will need to send us your booking confirmation within 1 week of your funding being approved as places are limited. Failure to do this will result in your funding being withdrawn and you will need to reapply.

Course cost

The approximate course per delegate is: £300

If your funding request is approved the Training Hub will cover the full cost of this course.