Long Term Conditions for HCAs - Essex Equip
Next course dates available
- 22nd April 2025 (08:45am - 12:30pm)
- 2nd May 2025 (08:45am - 12:30pm)
Please note this is a 2-day course taking place over 2 half days.
Event Details
HCAs provide a valuable service in primary care, supporting nurse and GP colleagues to ensure that people living with long-term conditions have the information they need, in order to achieve the best outcomes. These 2 half day sessions address the ‘need to know’ elements for a range of areas covered by health care assistants at all levels.
Topics covered
Overview of the basic path of CVD
Current approach to dietary advice
Physical activity
Smoking cessation
Top tips on motivational interviewing
Measuring and managing
Correct technique
Appropriate environment
How high is too high?
Who needs treating?
Different types
Lifestyle management
Blood pressure & lipids: why are they important
Vascular screening
Helping people change
Rolling with resistance
Person-centred care
Using behavioural change in practice
What is it?
How is it diagnosed?
How do we treat it?
Assessing control
The importance of inhaler technique
What is it?
How is it diagnosed?
How do we treat it?
The impact of COPD on quality of life
The importance of inhaler technique
Why we do them and what they tell us
Respiratory function tests
Tests used in diabetes
Urine tests
Booking information:
Course dates
Please note that further dates for this course will be released as they become available.
How to apply for funding and apply for this course
Please complete the MS Form available at the following link: Funding Request MS Form
The Training Hub will review and respond to your funding request. If funding is approved, it will be your responsibility to book your place on the course you wish to attend, we will provide the instructions to do this. Applications will be reviewed in order of the course date (soonest courses first) and date received. If you have any questions, please contact us at hwetraininghub@nhs.net.
Please note, you will need to send us your booking confirmation within 1 week of your funding being approved as places are limited. Failure to do this will result in your funding being withdrawn and you will need to reapply.
Course cost
The approximate course per delegate is: £193.00
If your funding request is approved the Training Hub will cover the full cost of this course.