PrescQipp Practice Medicines Co-ordinators e-learning course
This CPD certified course is aimed at non-clinical staff in GP practices that manage the repeat prescribing process and is a significant update to the original 2017 version. The course should take around 4 hours 50 minutes in total to complete, although we recommend that it is done in short sections rather than the whole course at once, so that the knowledge gained can be embedded into practice before the next module is commenced.
Course content
This e-learning course has 10 modules, three case studies and a final exam with a 70% pass mark. Once the course is passed a certificate of completion will be issued.
MODULE 1 Introduction and medication basics
MODULE 2 Information sources and prescription requirements - Including CDs and prescription security
MODULE 3 Electronic Prescription Service (in England) - Including updates on EPS4, electronic repeat dispensing and proxy ordering in care homes
MODULE 4 Repeat prescribing - Policies and processes, with updates on online ordering and ordering using Apps • Reducing medicines waste in relation to repeat prescribing, including updates on third party ordering and “Prescription Ordering Direct” services
MODULE 5 Medicines in care homes • Including updates on the use of EPS and proxy ordering
MODULE 6 Dispensing Appliance Contractors • Prescribing of nutritional supplements, stoma and continence products
MODULE 7 Hospital discharge information • How to manage hospital discharge summaries
MODULE 8 Formularies, traffic lights, “specials”, and prescribing incentive schemes
MODULE 9 Self care and Community pharmacy • Including NHS England guidance on conditions for which over the counter items should not routinely be prescribed in primary care
MODULE 10 Diabetes, asthma and COPD • The basics of three therapeutic areas that PMCs will come across frequently
CASE STUDIES • Repeat prescription requests • Care home prescriptions • Hospital discharges
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