7th March 2025

Prevention and Management of Pressure Ulcers - M&k

Venue: Online
Times: 09:15 - 16:30

Duration: 1 Day(s)

CPD Hours: 8


Around 700,000 people in the UK are living with pressure ulcers and each year 180,000 people acquire pressure ulcers, many of whom are still living with these wounds a year later.

This course aims to enable nurses and AHPs to understand who is at risk of pressure ulcers and what can be done to prevent pressure ulcers developing.

It is important that healthcare professionals can differentiate between moisture lesions and pressure ulcers as treatment differs. When pressure ulcers develop the nurse needs to able to stage the pressure ulcer, assess the wound and use appropriate dressings and treatment.

You will also explore the reasons why pressure ulcers fail to heal and advocates a holistic approach to management and treatment of pressure ulcers.


Pressure ulcer or moisture lesion:

  • How to tell the difference and why it matters

Why pressure ulcers develop:

  • How to grade or stage the ulcer and why this matters

Who is at risk of developing pressure ulcers and how great is this risk:

  • Using assessment scales to assess the risk of pressure ulcer development

  • The value of clinical judgement.

When patients decline care and intervention. Is this neglect?

  • Safeguarding and pressure ulcers


  • How to document assessments and actions to reduce risk

Wound assessment:

  • Structure and function of the skin

  • Stages of wound healing,

  • Factors that delay wound healing

  • Assessment of the wound using tissue type/colour

  • Action plan using a T.I.M.E algorithm

Holistic care:

  • Treating the person and not just the wound

  • The evidence base for treatments

  • Why wounds fail to heal

  • Bandaging techniques


The day aims to improve your understanding of risk factors and evidence based interventions.

Candidates attending will learn:

  • Be aware of how to distinguish between pressure ulcers and moisture lesions

  • Understand why pressure ulcers develop and how they are staged

  • Be able to assess risk using Waterlow and other assessment scales

  • Pathophysiology of wound healing

  • Assess wounds and chose appropriate dressings

  • Principles of infection control

  • Use a holistic approach to promote healing



 Booking information:

How to apply for funding and apply for this course

Please complete the MS Form available at the following link: Funding Request MS Form

The Training Hub will review and respond to your funding request. If funding is approved, it will be your responsibility to book your place on the course you wish to attend, we will provide the instructions to do this. Applications will be reviewed in order of the course date (soonest courses first) and date received. If you have any questions, please contact us at hwetraininghub@nhs.net.

Please note, you will need to send us your booking confirmation within 1 week of your funding being approved as places are limited. Failure to do this will result in your funding being withdrawn and you will need to reapply.

Course cost

The approximate course per delegate is: £170

If your funding request is approved the Training Hub will cover the full cost of this course.