Travel Health Update - Travel Health Training Limited

Venue: Online


Travel health is a fast moving field of practice and although services were severely impacted with the COVID-19 pandemic, travellers are seeking advice once more and practitioners are very busy again.  It is recommended to undertake a travel health update, ideally annually, although when you have to focus on many other areas of care this isn't always possible.  This online platform has been created by Jane Chiodini to help the learner update, but at their own pace and at a time suitable to them.   The learner can also revisit lectures and resources as often as needed, within the timeframe allowed on the platform.  This learning includes videos, vibrant interactive e learning sections, reading, resources, time out activities and so much more - all created by Jane !  

Topics addressed within this learning programme: 

  1. Climate change and the impact on travel health

  2. Arboviral infections (malaria, dengue, Zika and TBE)

  3. The Challenging traveller (older and last minute travellers) 

  4. Test your vaccine knowledge (including travel vaccines and immunisation issues )

  5. Travel health news - past and present (including measles and polio)

  6. Best practice in delivering travel health (including FAQs)

  7. Case studies (four complex cases)

  8. How do I? 

The course comprises 8 hours of learning but you will have 4 weeks in which to complete it.  If you finish before this timescale you continue to have access to the platform until the date of expiry.  The opportunity to ask questions and engage with an online forum to answer your questions is available but no online meetings are required for this course - you can study it at your own pace when it suits you.  There is also a facility to e mail Jane directly within the platform if you have any queries arising from the training.  


PLEASE NOTE: the four weeks to complete the course starts when you purchase the training so please time this for when you want to begin.   

Booking information:

How to apply for funding and apply for this course

Please complete the MS Form available at the following link: Funding Request MS Form

The Training Hub will review and respond to your funding request. If funding is approved, it will be your responsibility to book your place on the course you wish to attend, we will provide the instructions to do this. Applications will be reviewed in order of the course date (soonest courses first) and date received. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Please note, you will need to send us your booking confirmation within 1 week of your funding being approved as places are limited. Failure to do this will result in your funding being withdrawn and you will need to reapply.

Course cost

The approximate course per delegate is: £80

If your funding request is approved the Training Hub will cover the full cost of this course.