Reducing Harm from Medicines Training and Drop In Sessions

Venue: Online

Introduction to Overprescribing and IMPACT Tool - ECF 2024/25

For the ECF 24/25, each practice or PCN must nominate a ‘Reducing Harm from Medicines’ Champion who is required to attend 2 hours of training provided by PMOT on deprescribing/overprescribing/IMPACT tool.

This training is a requirement of the ECF for 24/25 but attendance is not limited to the ‘Reducing Harm from Medicines’ champion, any clinician involved in reducing inappropriate polypharmacy is welcome to join and these sessions will support clinicians in identifying and stopping problematic polypharmacy. 

Session 1 of 2 (1 hour, Introduction to Overprescribing and IMPACT)

Session 2 of 2 (1 hour, Case studies and practical aspects of deprescribing)

Reducing Harm From Medicines 'Drop-in Sessions'

Reducing Harm from Medicines Drop in session

We are holding drop-in sessions to support clinicians to conduct polypharmacy reviews and deprescribe where clinically appropriate.  The sessions focus on using the IMPACT deprescribing tool and sharing challenges relating to deprescribing with support and advice provided by the group. We also encourage sharing of successes to facilitate learning.  Each session starts with approximately 15 minutes of  ‘micro-teaching’ supported by a clinician.

The next session is pending dates with a new link to follow

Topic: Appropriate prescribing/deprescribing of oral nutritional supplements

Click here to register

All health care professionals managing medicines are welcome.

–  Janet Weir, Lead Pharmacist, Integrating Pharmacy and Medicines Optimisation.

Access to previous drop in session recordings.

Shirley Ip, Lead Frailty Pharmacist HWE ICB and Princess Alexandra Hospital - Where to start with deprescribing - 2024 07 04.mp4

Shirley Ip, Lead Frailty Pharmacist HWE ICB and Princess Alexandra Hospital - Anticholinergic Burden Case Study - 2024 08 01.mp4

'Dimple Khatiri, PCN Mental Health Clinical Pharmacist, Broxbourne Alliance PCN - Deprescribing Antidepressants - 2024 09 05.mp4

Badrul Hyder – Pharmaceutical advisor, Social Care Integration Team, Herts and West Essex ICB - Deprescribing and Falls prevention - 2024 09 17.mp4

Anjli Vij, Principal Clinical Pharmacist, Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust - Recording to follow

Alison Jackson, Lead Pharmaceutical Advisor, HWE ICB

Shirley Ip, Lead Frailty Pharmacist, PAH and HWE ICB

Heather Nunn, ICB Lead Prescribing Support Dietitian