Cambridge Diabetes Education Programme (CDEP) 

Venue: Online

Licence for CDEP Course Now Available - Apply Now

Licences will be given on a first-come, first-serve basis.

If you are interested in the programme, please contact HWE Training Hub at:

Please see attached flyer for more information:

Diabetes Education Programme Flyer

How to apply for funding and apply for this course

Please complete the MS Form available at the following link: HWE Training Hub Funding Request Form (

The Training Hub will review and approve the course funding - however, it is your responsibility to book your place on the course you wish to attend. We will review and respond to applications in order of the course date (soonest courses first) and date received. If you have any questions, please contact us at

Once the Training Hub has approved your funding request, we will contact you with instructions on how to book your place on the course. When you have booked, please send us your booking confirmation to complete the process. Your booking confirmation must be received by the Training Hub within 1 week of your funding approval. If your booking confirmation is not received within a week of your request for funding being approved, your approval will no longer be valid and you will need to complete a new funding request form, via the MS Forms link. We will notify you if we have withdrawn your funding request.