GP Support and Resources

LMC Pastoral Care Service for GPs

The LMC provides confidential support to GPs for a range of difficulties, professional or personal.

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If you are a GP in Hertfordshire please call 01438 880 010 to access the service or email

If you are a GP in West Essex please call 01245 383 430 to access the service or email

For more information please click here

Other Support and Resources

Confidential 24/7 counselling and peer support services open to all doctors and medical students. For more information click here

A free, confidential NHS service for doctors and dentists across England with mental illness and addiction problems, who are working or looking to return to clinical practice. For more information click here.

Peer support for doctors and medical students with mental health concerns. For more information click here

Information, guidance and support on career development, learning, mentoring, appraisals, career options/flexibility, wellbeing, pay and pensions. For more information click here

This Doctor Can is a campaign that supports the wellbeing, development and retention of physicians from all backgrounds and walks of life.

For more information please click here

The Hertfordshire and West Essex ICS and NASGP have partnered for the next two years to improve the availability of GP locums to the 134 practices in the ICS area. This initiative is financed by the Hertfordshire and West Essex ICS using Primary Care Flexible Staff Pool Funding which was allocated to each ICS by NHS England and Improvement in order to fund the provision of GP Flexible Pools.

As part of this initiative, local practice managers and partners can use LocumDeck, NASGP’s independent booking system, to book locums in or near the area to cover single sessions and long-term locum cover at no cost to themselves.

Meanwhile, local GP locums are eligible for two years’ free NASGP membership after providing locum cover for you or your neighbouring practices in the ICS.

Over 2,000 GP practices across the UK already use LocumDeck to book GP locums for free, simply and easily.

Register on LocumDeck today to start saving time and money on finding the best locums.

NASGP runs free 30-minute online demos every week, showing how to make the most of LocumDeck and answering questions on its tools and features.

Practices and GPs can sign up by visiting: or email: