Recovering Primary Care Access

  • The Delivery Plan was published on 9th May 2023 outlining the core ambitions to support improving access and sustainability of general practice, underpinned by several supporting programmes either financial, training or transformational (document available for download below).

  • Checklist for both ICBs, practices and PCNs published on 19th May 2023 summarising the support offer with required actions and timelines (document available for download below).

  • The delivery plan covers 4 key areas:

    • Empower Patients

    • Implement a new Modern General Practice Access approach

    • Build capacity

    • Cut bureaucracy

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For further details please see the presentation available for download below:

Support Offer to Practices and PCNs
May 2023

Delivery plan for recovering access to primary care

Following on from the publication earlier this month of the Primary Care Access Recovery Plan, further detail is being released albeit is emerging in a rather piecemeal fashion.

We are very conscious that it may well be rather difficult to keep up with all the detail and opportunities that the plan presents.

A checklist of the actions and the support offer has been circulated by NHSE - Checklist: delivery plan for recovering access to primary care 190523

In an attempt to help further on this, below is a summary of some key initial highlights. This is not a comprehensive view of the Access Recovery plan in its entirety, but merely highlights some of the more imminent timescales and support opportunities for your consideration. 



Financial and procurement support to any practice that indicates to its ICB that it wants to move from analogue to digital telephony


This is the first phase of the prioritisation and focuses on those practices who are currently using analogue telephony systems or are on Evergreen contract


Place transformation teams will engage with appropriate practices to gauge willingness to proceed.

We will need to establish priority list by 16th June to form the basis of bid process

A range of transformation support from the National General Practice Improvement Programme (NGPIP):

  • Universal: online resources, local improvement communities, and webinars available to all practices Every practice in England can access the Universal support 

    • Webinar series across the five key areas, online resources, quick wins

    • Accredited training: Fundamentals of change and improvement (for all staff) and General Practice improvement leads (ICSs to nominate practice and PCN staff)

  • Intermediate: targeted, hands-on, support for practices in challenging circumstances to deliver significant change (up to 13 weeks)

  • Intensive: targeted, hands-on, tailored support for practices in most challenging circumstances to deliver significant change (up to 26 weeks)


Further details and links to Introductory webinars can be found via:

NHS England » National general practice improvement programme

Or via attached NGPIP introductory presentation


Care navigation training: every practice can nominate to their ICB one member of staff to undertake training


Details to be released in June

Digital and transformation lead training: every PCN can nominate to their ICB one member of staff to undertake training -

For further information please contact -


Applications for the next cohort close on 7 June 2023.


Transition cover and transformation support funding where practices/PCNs are transitioning to Modern General Practice Access Model and require additional support (eg extra practice shifts, locums, or peer support) £13.5k/practice of flexible funding through capacity fund reimbursements


Guidance on distribution of funding to be published soon



Should you have any questions please contact your place transformation team or

Please see the downloads below for a 2 page summary of actions, the main aspects of the plan and the delivery plan for recovering access to primary care published by NHS England.

2 Page Summary of delivery plan for recovering access to primary care
May 2023
National General Practice Improvement Programme Presentaiton
May 2023
Delivery plan for recovering access to primary care
May 2023

Should you have any questions please contact your place transformation team or

The Register with a GP surgery service

An overview:

  • digitises and standardises registration

  • is offered free to all practices in England

  • reduces GP practice processing time by up to 15 minutes per patient

  • is integrated with Find a GP and provides catchment area checks

  • improves the quality of demographic data captured at registration

  • improves patient access and helps address health inequalities

  • is continually being improved in response to feedback

Please see below an introductory presentation to this service as well as the steps needed to self-enrol on the service. If you have any more questions, please contact the the Register with a GP surgery support team on

Register with a GP Surgery Service Presentation
May 2023

Next steps for onboarding to the Register with a GP surgery service.

If you would like to self-enrol and use the new online service, please follow the onboarding instructions below:

Self-Enrol to the ‘Register with a GP surgery’ service – Enrol Here

Practices can now enrol themselves onto the ‘Register with a GP surgery’ service. Using the NHS Profile Manager, a practice can supply their shared mailbox address and configure the questions they would like their patients to see, then receive a unique patient registration link for each practice they enrol that can be placed on their website.

The Find a GP tool will be updated automatically with the practice’s new registration link and marked as having “Online registration available”.

Step one:

Log into Profile Manager using your personal NHS email. You can only get access to the Profile Manager using your personal NHSmail address or your personal practice email address as it give the individual administrative access to view practice profiles, add or update profile and self enrol.

For more information click here: . 

Please contact the Profile Manager team if there are further questions:

Step one:

Log into Profile Manager using your personal NHS email. You can only get access to the Profile Manager using your personal NHSmail address or your personal practice email address as it give the individual administrative access to view practice profiles, add or update profile and self enrol.

image for the text

For more information click here: . 

Please contact the Profile Manager team if there are further questions:

Step two:

Within Profile Manager when you sign in with your account, you should be able to see your Practice details by clicking on the “Check your profile” box from the main screen of profile manager. If you practice isn’t listed then you can click on the “Add profiles” box from the main screen of profile manager to associate your Practice ODS code with your profile manager account. Once completed it may take a couple of days for the information to be updated. When the Practice ODS code is associated with your profile manager account you can do step three.

Step three:

Within Profile Manager you should see the ‘Sign up to the Register with a GP surgery service’ button. Once you click that you will be asked some simple questions. Here you will be asked to provide a shared email along this process.

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If you have any more questions, please contact the the Register with a GP surgery support team on
